36 Days of Type


A social media challenge

A challenge issued out on Instagram named #36DaysofType called out for creators to make an element of the alphanumerical system everyday for 36 days. I chose to make mine in 3D and animate them - this was very ambitious. Ultimately, while I only got a few of them animated, I did finish them all in one form or another and here’s a few of my favourites from that batch. You can check the rest of them on my Instagram. Some actually got the attention of a very talented sound designer Lance Peach of Rover Recordings and he laid down some rad foley and music to them, so I’m putting those up for you all to see and hear.

Here’s Lance’s details if you’d like to contact him for a project:

e: landing@roverrecordings.com

c: +27 74 158 8164


Sound on!

Here’s the first few letters of the alphabet with Lance’s sound design:

Sound on, again!

…and here’s some more with a song I wrote laid on top. It’s a melancholic song.


Here’s a few select stills from the project.